Working with SKy was nothing short of amazing for me.
- I went from; This chic wants to charge me how much an hour???; no way, that’s ridiculous!!! to wow she totally could charge more lol
- I realize I had to be willing to go deep but what a blessing this was for me.
- I literally got my wings back and remembered how to fly again today!!
- Not only did I know it and feel out in my heart right away.
I also received extra confirmation from my entourage later that night, that yes in deed my wings were back and more beautiful than ever.
Figured the least I could do was share my joy so others would follow their intuition and do a session with Sky.
- If you are serious about getting to the root of an issue and the rest of the path of that issue as well!
- The choice to free yourself is so powerful and Sky is a wonderful guide.
- Thank you again! Namaste and Blessings Thacia