Reveal Your Natural Bliss

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Do you dare to dream of bliss???

If you want to live your best life possible, you need to reprogram your mind to empower your greatest vision.

Your emotions, beliefs, and values create your reality.

They are the motivators behind our behavior, which in turn, shapes our experience.

By reprogramming these 3 aspects, you can realize your full potential.

You have a divine right to be loved, abundant and blissful.

By releasing your emotional baggage, you get to reveal your natural bliss

Life can place so much personal baggage on you that it obscures your divine essence and allows you to feel separate from divine source.

This can make you feel sad, alone, anxious, or even worse, empty.

When you can release the negative emotions and are able to learn lessons from a higher perspective, you gain wisdom, inner strength and realize that bliss is truly your natural state.

It was there all along, hidden beneath all the pain and struggle.

Do you know that you don’t have to struggle?

You struggle because your values have been defined for you and your values dictate your beliefs and what motivates you.

If you truly want to grow and be the best person you can be and one of your highest values is comfort, you might not be motivated to go through growing pains, leaving you feeling dissappointed and dissatisfied with yourself.

With the right tools and guidance, you can realign your values and easily step into the behavior you have been trying to adopt.

Easily and effortlessly, become the best version of you that you could possibly be.

The Natural Bliss program is a 10 week, one-on-one coaching program customized to remove all your limitations, reveal your natural bliss, and fulfill your greatest potential, easily and effortlessly.

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Natural Bliss

Values Alignment

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Does it sound too “pie in the sky”?

Many of my clients were skeptical. They had spent years with other therapists only to find their issues got worse.

As long as you are ready to take ownership of your life and surrender to the process, you will be able to reap the rewards.

and I can guarantee, you will be amazed at how quickly you can transform your life into a greater blessing that you could possibly imagine.

Are you done suffering?
Your greatest self awaits

What’s Included

20 One-on-One coaching sessions (2 hrs each) which includes:

  • 2 In-depth History Sessions
  • 2 Parts Integrations
  • 16 Time Line Therapy Releases
  • Cosmic Soul Retrieval
  • Values Realignment
  • Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Training
  • Setting Goals in the Time Line
  • Anchoring
  • 10 Remote Emotional Energy Healing Sessions

  • 2 Additional Coaching Sessions (to be used within 2 months of program completion)
Start Now $8888

Stop wondering what you can be and start celebrating who you are

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In This Program You Will

  • Release your 16 biggest negative emotions
  • Break Through Feelings of “Being Stuck”
  • Become confident and courageous
  • Connect to greater joy, peace and self love
  • Nurture deep wisdom and a higher perspective
  • Reconnect to your inner being
  • Learn to trust your intuition
  • Enjoy Personal Fulfillment
  • Change your Behavior Effortlessly
  • Release the struggle so you can thrive
  • Radiate your natural bliss
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What my clients say

I feel lighter, happier, like my memory is better and my mind is more vibrant.

The trauma that I carried and chucked aside has turned into a BLESSING and a lesson that has helped me evolve on many levels.

I am no longer hindered by fears and issues that stemmed from the trauma, but empowered with a new perception on lif

Iva Grcic

Oh my gosh where to start …Ill admit I was excited but a little skeptical about the whole thing…but once Sky led me into my timeline…amazing things happened… I even saw a glimpse into a past life…and found out what has been holding me back !!That thing doesn’t hold me back anymore and I let love in now…I feel soo much lighter and I will be doing it again…thanks chicky you rock !!!

Lee-Anne Kendall

Working with SKy was nothing short of amazing for me. I went from; This chic wants to charge me how much an hour???;  no way, that’s ridiculous!!!  to wow she totally could charge more lol I realize I had to be willing to go deep but what a blessing this was for me. I literally got my wings back and remembered how to fly again!!

Thacia Northey


Personal mastery is the ability to respond for the greatest benefit of all, in each moment.

It takes a lot to be able to accomplish that. First you must understand the mental programming which has been created through life’s influences which results in the expression of your personality.

Gradually, you gain wisdom as you process the programming and consciously choose new programs.

Eventually this leads to emotional intelligence which is the true hallmark of personal fulfillment.

When you can consistently function from a state of emotional intelligence, you can create the reality of your choosing.

My programs and services have all been adapted to guide you to connect to cosmic consciousness and help you to identify with your soul. This instantly allows for a higher perspective which increases compassion for self and others, self awareness and personal empowerment.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is the understanding that language is the basis of the programming of the mind.

Therefore, by studying the language used, we can assess the programming which is creating your experience.

Then, by using NLP techniques, we reprogram the mind to easily and effortlessly respond from an empowered state of mind and open heart.

All my services are specifically designed to ignite your spirit and connect to your soul.

You can expect to be treated with love and compassion and to gently be guided to the hidden dimensions of the mind to access your soul’s wisdom and connect with cosmic consciousness.

You must understand that you are the creator of your reality. You must be willing to take full responsibility for your experiences.

You must have a strong desire to overcome life’s obstacles. You must be determined to learn how to thrive, not just survive.

Finally, you must be able to surrender to the process and listen to your intuition. The process is much easier if you are already familiar with your intuition and have learned to trust it. If that has not happened yet, this will help you to achieve that.

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